Our leadership workshops accelerate the development of the skills and mindsets leaders need to succeed in today’s environment. Each workshop is designed with carefully curated content from best-in-class leadership practices and the latest evidence-based research.

The workshops below are our most popular programs. We also create customized programs for clients in the areas of self-leadership, leadership, team effectiveness, and work-life balance.

Laying the Foundation for Team Success

This workshop is designed to accelerate trust-building in a team. Trust is a foundational element of a high-performing team. We use a combination of trust-building exercises (don’t worry … no trust falls or ropes courses!) and assessments to help team members build the foundation for their future success. The workshop is based on leading team effectiveness principles that have been successfully adopted by Fortune 500 companies around the world. 

Leading In Times of Change

Change is everywhere. Whether it is a change in leadership, a merger or an acquisition, change is the new normal in organizations today. We believe in the airline safety directive, “put on your own mask first before assisting another.” So first participants learn how to effectively manage the change process for themselves. Then they learn practical tools and techniques to accelerate the process of change for those they lead.

navigating your career in the 21st century

Uncertainty is the new rule in today’s environment. Jobs are changing or disappearing at a more rapid speed than ever, life expectancy is increasing, and disruption is affecting every industry. Oxford University estimates that 47% of jobs will disappear in the next 25 years. This means that employers and employees alike need to be more flexible and innovative when it comes to thinking about careers. In this workshop, participants focus not only on interests and abilities but also on what truly drives and motivates individuals. With this approach participants are encouraged to think “outside-the-job-description” to come up with career possibilities that they may have never considered or thought possible.